Minggu, 29 Juni 2014


Talking about this year's elections as we know this year's presidential candidates are :
 1. Prabowo Subianto – Hatta Rajasa
 2. Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kalla
It will be the third direct presidential election in Indonesia, and the elected president will have the job for the time period up to five years.
And that as we see on television these days there is news that another drop of the presidential candidates, of course, we as an undecided voter who is actually really good to be a leader for Indonesia. we want a president who truly understands the meaning of "BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA”.
Whoever the president and vice president in the future I expect to run all the promise that has ever been uttered when the campaign and can carry out the mandate of the people of Indonesia. we don’t need promises, we just need proof and good performance of the candidates for president and vice president to Indonesia will be more advanced and prosperous.


1.     Adverbs
·         Definition : Adverb is a word that is used to describe a verb (the verb), adjective (adjective), or another adverb. English adverb is one of the eight parts of speech which might form a simple (fast, there, usually), or shaped phrases.
·         The following are the types and functions of adverbs :

a.       Time (waktu)               : menyatakan waktu terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa (ex : now, today, yesterday)
b.      Manner (cara)              : menyatakan cara suatu kegiatan dilakukan atau peristiwa yang terjadi (ex : automatically, beautifully, fast)
c.       Degree (derajat)          : menyatakan sampai seberapa jauh tingkatan atau derajat suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa (ex : absolutely, barely, really)
d.      Modality (harapan)     : menyatakan tingkat keyakinan atau harapan (ex : likely, maybe, probably)
e.       Frequency                   : menyatakan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa yang dilakukan atau terjadi (ex : always, often, rarely)
f.       Place & Direction        : menyatakan tempat dan arah terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa (ex : here, in, somewhere)
g.      Purpose                       : menjawab pertanyaan “why” (ex : for a reason, to buy some clothes)
h.      Focus                           : menunjukkan bahwa apa yang dibicarakan terbatas pada bagian yang difokuskan (ex : also, just, only)

·         Example :

-          Time :
a.       Let’s begin to work now
b.      Yusron always come late
c.       The postman comes daily
-          Manner :
a.       The soldiers fight bravely
b.      The students compete fairly
c.       She started at me curiously
-          Degree :
a.       He came rather late
b.      She is very beautiful
c.       Rio reads quite clearly
d.      Arie sings pretty well
-          Frequency :
a.       I often forget her name
b.      She seldom visits her mother
c.       I have told you twice

-          Place :
a.       My boss is out
b.      Stay here
c.       She always looks down

2.       NEGATIVE
·         Definition : Negation is a form of negative statements. We know very well that to form negative sentences there are several ways, however, so below we will describe the forms of negation, or other forms of how to form a negative statement.

·         Negative – Either Neither

Either or neither di gunakan untuk menggabungkan kalimat negative.
[S1 + auxiliary not + V + O dan S2 + auxiliary not + either / neither+ auxiliary + S2]
Neither = not either, oleh karenanya setelah auxiliary tidak, tidak disertai „not lagi.

- They do not come late
- Brian does not come late

They do not come late and Brian does not either / neither does Brian
Kalimat pertanyaan pertama yang mengandung kata: never, seldom, rarely, hardly, few and little dianggap memiliki pengertian negative.

-          I seldom visit my uncle, and neither does my sister
-          I rarely visit my uncle, but my sister does.

Gabungan Setara
Bilamana kata „either dan „neither di ikuti oleh „or dan „norkata kerja/ auxiliarynya mungkin singular atau pun plural (jamak) bergantung pada kata setelah „or atau „nor apakah singular atau plural.
Kalaupun kata „or atau „nor berdiri sendiri, verb tetap di temukan oleh kata setelah „or atau „nor.

Example :
-          Neither John nor Bill is going to class today
-          Either John or Bill is going to the beach today.
-          Neither John nor his friends are going to class today

·         Rarely, Hardly, Barely
Rarely is the adverb of frequency that indicates the intensity of the time (how Often) while hardly and barely is an adverb of measurement that shows to the inability / difficulty someone untukmelakukan something all three have the same meaning.

Example :
-          Marti rarely drinks coffee
-          Do yo hardly ever get sick?

·         Definition : Adjective is a word used to describe a noun or pronoun that can be either: person (person), place (where), animal (animal), or thing (object, abstract concepts). This adjective is one of the eight parts of speech.

·         Adjective Phrase dan Compound Adjective
Adjective mungkin berbentuk sederhana (dark, hot, young), atau berbentuk frasa. Frasa adjective, disebut adjective phrase, merupakan kombinasi dari adjective (sebagai head) dan modifier atau determiner.
Example Adjective Phrase:
-          very dark chocolate
-          many young married couple

Selain itu, dua adjective mungkin dapat bergabung untuk membentuk kata baru yang disebut compound adjective.
Example Compound Adjective:
-          part-time jobs
-          oil-free lotion

·         Adjective Position
Kata sifat mungkin menempati salah satu posisi:
-          Attributive: diletakkan di depan noun (beautiful girls)
-          Postpositive: dibelakang noun tanpa disela linking verb (someone special)
-          Predicative: diletakkan setelah noun dengan disela linking verb (ex: The lady is beautiful)

·         Adjective Order
Jika ada lebih dari satu adjective di depan noun, kita perlu mengikuti adjective order, yakni urutan adjective berdasarkan kategori: opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose.
Example Adjective Order:
-          two happy small blue birds (opinion – size – color)

·         Adjective Degree
Untuk menyatakan perbandingan, dapat digunakan adjective dalam bentuk:
-          positive degree: membandingkan kesetaraan (She is as good as you in math)
-          comparative degree: untuk membandingkan dua hal (Today should be better than yesterday)
-          superlative degree: untuk membandingkan tiga hal atau lebih (He was the best of all of us)

·         Adjective Clause
Adjective Clause merupakan dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai adjective, untuk menjelaskan noun atau pronoun pada suatu complex sentence.
Example Adjective Clause:
-          The student who always goes to school by bus is my friend.

Klause ini mungkin direduksi (dipersingkat) – reduced adjective clause – dengan menghilangkan relative pronoun dan mengubah kata kerja yang digunakan menjadi participle.
Example Reduced Adjective Clause:
-          The student always going to school by bus is my friend.

4.      COMMAND 
·         Definition : Command sering disebut juga sebagai Kalimat Perintah
1.      Untuk membuat kalimat perintah kita bisa menggunakan kata “command, order, tell, ask, must,  and shall”.

Contoh Kalimat:
-          My mother commanded me to help her.
(Artinya: Ibuku memerintahku untuk membantunya)
-          The teacher ordered the students to do the exercise.
(Artinya: guru memerintah murid-murid mengerjakan latihan)
-          I told you to be quiet.
(Artinya: Saya menyuruhmu diam)

-          He asked me to open the window.
(Artinya: Dia memerintahku untuk membuka jendela)
-          You must write the lessson.
(Artinya: Kamu harus menulis/ mencatat pelajaran itu)
-          You must go home now.
(Artinya: Kamu harus pulang sekarang)

Kata “command, order, & tell” merupakan verb (kata kerja). Sedangkan kata “ask” digunakan dalam causative, dan kata “must & shall” merupakan modal auxiliaries.

2.      Be + Adjective
Contoh Kalimat:
-          Be quiet! (Artinya: Diamlah)
-          Be ready. (Artinya: Bersiaplah)
-          Be careful! (Artinya: hati-hatilah)

3.      Let us (Let’s) + Infinitives
Contoh Kalimat:
-          Let us go now. (Artinya: Mari kita pergi sekarang)
-          Let’s study together. (Artinya: Mari kita belajar bersama)
-          Let’s find the way out. (Artinya: Mari kita menemukan jalan keluar)

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